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Link Building for Ecommerce: 21 Best Tactics and Strategies

Creating effective link building for eCommerce website is crucial if you want to be more profitable than competitors. Especially for small businesses and brands that are just starting their way up. 

We have already written the 14 Advanced Link Building Strategies and Tactics for anyone who promote their business on the Internet. But eCommerce needs a unique approach. So, below you will find out the TOP proven ideas to encourage eCommerce services. This information will help SEO specialists, marketers and link builders get better results in eCommerce faster. 

Why Is Link Building Important for Your eCommerce Website?

Link building for eCommerce websites is one way to get more quality backlinks to the site, which means being closer to the TOP in search results and getting more customers and profits. Because the more links you receive from trusted websites, the more Google and other search engines rely on you.

For a more detailed explanation of link building definition 👈click here 

Let's look at why your eCommerce project needs to use link building strategies. 

  1. In the e-commerce sphere, there is great competition for the same products. If you do not produce something unique, then be prepared to compete.
  2. Most niches have monopolies – significant marketplaces like Amazon, eBay and Walmart, and others with large marketing budgets. 
  3. Highly developed promotion paid methods. The first screen in Google is occupied by PPC, merchant and others.. So it would be best if you pumped SEO to be on page 1.

Below, we show and describe the qualitative indicators of the Amazon site.

ecommerce link building

What we see here:

  • more than 855 million users access the site, including thanks to 14.6 billion backlinks. It is organic traffic;
  • also, the site has a 96 DA rating, due to the creation of backlinks;
  • and thanks to the number of high backlinks, Amazon can save the advertising budget.

Of course, almost 14.6 billion backlinks only haven’t appeared in a day or even a month. It's a permanent job if you want to get ahead of the competition.

Backlinko research proves that Google uses backlinks to rank sites. 

Brian Dean
CEO at Exploding Topics, author on Backlinko
A site’s overall link authority (as measured by Ahrefs Domain Rating) strongly correlates with higher search engine rankings.

So we will discuss eCommerce link building strategies to help build a better reference profile below.

21 Effective Link Building Tactics for Ecommerce Brands

Backlinko research shows the first and not the only reason for eCommerce market to strive for TOP search results.

link building for ecommerce website

And given that 2023 is expected to increase the eCommerce turnover, each company will try to "take a healthy bite." So, If you want (and you want😉) to be ahead of the competition, then you need to use eCommerce link building strategies. 

1. Customer Reviews

93% of people watch online reviews before buying. Most users are more attentive to negative feedback. So, you need to control the process of writing checks to keep loyal customers and attract new buyers. And you need to act:

  1. Find the most popular review sites (TripAdvisor, Yelp, Foursquare, etc.).
  2. Ask customers to leave feedback on your cooperation.
  3. Offer recall discounts or create a points system for detailed feedback.

It will help to improve the link profile and form the first pleasant impression of new and regular customers.

link building for ecommerce websites

2. Guest posting

Among all known link building strategies for eCommerce, the guest posting tactic is comprehensive. Guest blogging opportunities are excellent for eCommerce websites because you can get a backlink to your website and perform several other tasks.

  1. You tell a potential client about your expertise.
  2. Improve SEO and other qualitative site indicators.

We have already written an overview of the best link building tools and how to buy backlink safely. Each of them will help you to implement the guest Post strategy more quickly and efficiently. For example, with the help of the Collaborator service, you quickly select the best sites to place the link and agree on placing your expert article.

Here's an example of a site from the Collaborator's catalog for placing a guest post about the choice of accessories for gamers presented in your online store.

effective link building tactics for ecommerce brands

Here you can also find relevant websites for publishing your marketing press releases

3. Sponsored Reviews

According to Krista Neher (CEO Boot Camp Digital), influencer charm will continue to grow in 2023. 

Krista Neher
CEO Boot Camp Digital
Influencers are hot. Influencer marketing has been on the rise for years, and this trend will only continue as influencers build up larger and larger audiences that are ripe for the picking for marketers.

And you can use this advanced eCommerce link building strategy to increase the number of backlinks to your site and increase the user's loyalty.

At the same time, the marketing of influence is not just advertising to world-famous people on Instagram, such as Cristiano Ronaldo or Kourtney Kardashian. You can now find small bloggers and influencers with an audience of 1'000-50'000 subscribers to review your product. And although they have a few million fans worldwide, such bloggers will improve your link profile and bring in new customers.

To find the most suitable bloggers to review your product or service – use BuzzSumo. You will find a list of bloggers on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and other platforms. You will also be able to check coverage, audience engagement, and other qualitative indicators before entering service agreements.

ecommerce link building strategies

4. Brand Ambassadors

The brand ambassador's primary goal is to increase users' interest in your product or service. For you, the ambassadors' work will be an effective link building tactic for eCommerce brands to increase customer loyalty and build a great link profile.

The easiest way is to find an ambassador among the most loyal clients. It can become the most active client from Viber, Telegram, or Reddit chat. Or you can offer to become an “envoy” user who is satisfied with your product and services and actively shares his experience on social networks.

With the development of technology, young people are ready to be brand ambassadors, even for free. They:

  • develop online community (create and promote social networks, messengers, and channels);
  • organize online and offline events;
  • help users understand the benefits of your product or service.

5. Outreach

Here you can read "What is Outreach" – this is a valuable guide in which we talked in detail about the strategies, processes, and tools of modern Outreach tactics.

The Outreach tactic shows excellent results for link building for small eCommerce sites and for large companies. If you receive backlinks from trusted sites with high Domain Authority ratings, then Google and other search engines will show your website more often. It means that more customers will be going through your site.

6. Digital PR (Media relations)

Digital PR is a unique resource that you can create based on your experience: 

  • infographics;
  • surveys;
  • unique statistics;
  • roundups, 
  • industry overviews etc.

 It can also be any other activity that might interest journalists: events, relevant rallies, etc.

Outset can be something other than a daily thing! It should be a study that can be safely published in Forbes or For example, this is a monumental study from

link building strategies for ecommerce

Take advantage of this eCommerce SEO link building strategy – create unique and incomparable content to interest the media. But if you are not sure that you have enough expertise to do severe such research, use the idea we will discuss below.

7. Brand Unlinked Mention

Each product or service is useful, unique, and has its target audience. But not all the materials that are written about you have your link. It means that you are almost guaranteed to have an ambassador who, on social networks or in his blog, mentioned your brand but did not specify a link. Or left an old irrelevant reference to your website.

Find references without links with Content Analyzer BuzzSumo.

link building for small ecommerce sites

After you find references to your brand – check the absence of the link and write to the text's owner.

8. Content worth sharing

Any helpful content you can create is your personal effective communication tactics for eCommerce brands. Because you can make:

  • practical tips and guides about your product and service;
  • overviews;
  • TOP lists award.

For example, consider the performance of a recent article about e-commerce statistics from Oberlo

advanced ecommerce link building

How did they attract many links to their resource and get a high Page Authority in less than a month? Just put together the latest statistic that will be useful to all representatives of the eCommerce segment.

9. Use FAQ section

The FAQ section allows you to solve three major SEO tasks for your site quickly:

  1. You can organically use more keywords to improve SEO performance.
  2. You answer specific users' questions.
  3. As a result, Google and other search engines can use your FAQ section to place your site link closer to TOP-3 search results.

ecommerce link building tactics

The advantage of this strategy is that it allows you to compete with strong competitors who spend money on advertising.

To choose correctly and write questions to the FAQ, you have some proven ways.

One way:

  • Go to the Ahrefs TOP Pages tab and find the site pages with the most keywords;
  • Copy these URLs and paste one at a time into the Organic Keywords tab;
  • In the "SERP features" field, choose the "People also ask"
  • Next, export the questions to the CSV file and sort the questions with Excel.

Another way:

link building services for ecommerce website

  • Enter search queries in Google and find the questions that users ask from search engines;
  • Form a question and add an answer.

10. Relevant Broken Links

This eCommerce linking strategy resembles Brand Mention, but we are looking for references with broken links here. This strategy aims to correct errors in your backlink profile. You need to check the broken links you have previously placed on other sites.

Recovering links is sometimes even more important than getting new ones. Follow the competitors, and you'll see that many of them are losing organic coverage due to many bugs.

The backlinks building tools we have mentioned repeatedly – Ahrefs and MOZ– will help you find such links.

link building for ecommerce sites

FYI! Collaborator platform clients may not follow the links they posted with our help. We do it for you ;)

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Additional effective link building tactics for eCommerce brands

Link Building & Digital PR Agency Owner The Links Guy
Joke products - works really well if you can make a product which isn't an actual product but more of a gag or parody of something. For instance, when ThinkGeek made a can of Unicorn meat as a product, they got loads of links from media. GAME also did the same when they released a tinned Christmas dinner product. The idea behind that was that gamers are notorious for not wanting to put down their controller to eat dinner, so it was a humorous play on that.

ECommerce Link Building Strategies

Brief Description


HARO (Help a Reporter Out) – eCommerce link building strategy that helps businesses appear more often on the pages of famous online publications. Write to the PR managers of the information site with related topics and agree to share fascinating insights. You can get a valuable backlink for free if the theme is intriguing.

Create an Affiliate Program

You do not spend money on advertising – your client does it for you. Furthermore, you pay him a percentage of the purchase. In this way, you will interest customers to bring new customers.

Content-marketing & Useful Blog

Create a blog on your website and create valuable articles with the necessary internal links.

Create Instructions and Manuals

Not all of us read the instructions when buying a product or service. But almost everyone is looking for manuals on the Internet if encountering problems. Therefore, create video and PDF instructions, and they will be shared.

Write a Dictionary with Profile Terms

Almost every eCommerce project has its particular terms. Create the complete dictionary and share the link with partners. We are sure you'll get a lot of links.

Keep a VLOG

Be closer to your target audience – shoot video reviews of your product and services.

Create Directories

If you are well versed in the niche — make "yellow pages" directories. This way, you can place your link and connect additional monetization.

Mutual Advertising

This strategy will be essential for small eCommerce companies. Find partners and exchange links to get a "win-win position."

Become a Sponsor

Sponsors' links are always available on partners' websites. So become sponsors of conferences and other events to improve your link profile.

Copyright on the Photo

If you make your unique photos — add watermarks to them. Specifying the requirement to attach a source link if other users use this image on their resources is also essential.

Use the Partners and Distributors Help 

If you have direct partners or distributors — ask them to share links to your site. You can also make landing pages for partners and place the necessary connections.

How to Create an eCommerce Link Building Strategy for Your Website?

Link building strategy creation is always individual. Your path depends directly on your eCommerce business's size, direction, and location. But several universal strategies can suit your site.

Step 1. Know Your Product

The text above summarizes ideas to help your business beat the competition and earn more. However, it would be best if you understood that the "Instructions creation" strategy would be more beneficial for the electronics store than the online cosmetics shop. 

Therefore, initially:

  • find the strengths and weaknesses of the product;
  • learn the specifics of your business;
  • determine how to spread information about your business.

Step 2. Review Your Link Profile

It would be best to fix the errors to reach the highest rank in the search results. Once you start doing that, you notice the organic traffic increase.

To make a site analysis, you will need any of the following platforms:

  • Ahrefs;
  • MOZ etc.

ecommerce seo link building

Click Site Audit and get comprehensive information about your site's technical advantages and disadvantages. Once you've corrected your mistakes, you can implement eCommerce link building tactics one by one.

Step 3. Find Places With Your Target Audience

Outreach and guest posting – one of the best eCommerce link building tactics. Make a site selection, determine video hosting and social networks with potential customers and be active, and you will increase the chance of success. But if you randomly choose sites to place links, it is unlikely to get the desired results.

At this stage, the Collaborator platform will definitely helps you. It already has 13,000+ sites and 1,000+ channels for advertising in Telegram to help you find customers. With the help of a convenient filter, you will quickly find relevant web resources and arrange for the placement of links and expert articles. 

Read also: How to Make Money on Telegram 👈

Step 4. Analyze And Update Your Site Content

Ecommerce – is an industry that is proliferating. And to be ahead of competitors, you must constantly keep abreast of technology and beyond. Therefore, you need at least once a year to update the information in the Blog and analyze articles with backlinks.

Step 5. Keep competitors in view

Be sure to look at the actions of competitors to see the dynamics of their growth. It will help tools with comprehensive functionality – Ahrefs, MOZ, SimilarWeb, and others. Just write the address of the competitor's website and get detailed information. 

Deal With Collaborator: Helpful Platform for Advanced eCommerce Link Building

Collaborator – is a convenient platform for creating a solid link profile for eCommerce websites. You will find 13,000+ trusted sites for your link building strategy. With over 1,000 Telegram channels in its catalog, Collaborator is also your partner in marketing on Telegram.

Platform functionality allows you:

  • filter the best-trusted sites and channels for eCommerce link building strategies' implementation;
  • quickly check the quality indicators of web resources and choose the best for yourself;
  • swiftly negotiate backward links on transparent terms;
  • get backlinks already in one or two days.

In order to check websites as fast and complete – in Collaborator, there is a check using Ahrefs and Serpstat functionality. That means you get the most up-to-date data and choose the right site faster and easier.

Please take advantage of the Collaborator service and see how fast and easy it has become to implement the best eCommerce link building ideas.

Use Collaborator Now👈

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about eCommerce Link Building

1. What is eCommerce link building in point of fact?

Link building for an eCommerce site, in simple terms, is a way to "make" the Internet talk about your product or service. It's to "convince" search engines of the reliability of your eCommerce platform. 

2. Will link building for eCommerce site work in 2023?

In the article above, we said that backlinks are one of the main factors in ranking sites in search. Also, examples of many eCommerce projects prove that the number and quality of backward links will continue to affect the project's profit.

So, we recommend not only reading this guide but also using it. 

3. What is the best strategy of link building for small eCommerce sites? 

Each of the strategies we mentioned above can increase the profit and number of users of the site. But if you choose the TOP 3, which you should start right now – we recommend customer reviews, outreach, and guest posting.

4. How can I do link building for eCommerce websites?

If you want to take off in the TOP-3 search results and be above the competition – start the five steps that we mentioned earlier. Follow our tips and see how your organic traffic will grow along with your link profile.


Link building for eCommerce sites remains a necessary strategy for your online shop promotion in search engines, obtaining stable high profits, and increasing the number of customers. We have examined 10+ tactics that will help your online store achieve goals.

Want to find the best link building services for eCommerce website? The Collaborator service will help you with it and on how to earn money by Telegram and monetize your website. Please take advantage of our platform now and see how easy and valuable it is to increase the number and quality of backlinks.

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