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Off-Page SEO: What It Is & 30+ Best Techniques to Rank Higher

If we’ve learned anything from the recent Google leak, it’s that the links are still crucial to your website’s performance. While working on your technical and on-page SEO is still important, mastering off-page SEO will improve your platform’s rankings tremendously. 

In this ultimate guide, we will go over the difference between technical, on-page and off-page SEO, and discuss in-depth the latter. We will cover how to do off-page SEO, its importance in promoting your website, the strategies, the best tools to use, and expert off-page SEO tips on incorporating it into your workflow. We’ve also included our own rating from easy to hard for each of the strategies. Let’s dive in!

What is Off-Page SEO?

First things first: there are three main types of SEO. Each of them entails different techniques and approaches, and requires various tools and strategies.

Off-page SEO is all the activities conducted outside the website to improve its search engine rankings and increase its online visibility. 

Below is a comparison table of off-page SEO vs. on-page SEO and technical SEO.

On-Page SEO

Technical SEO

Off-Page SEO


Improve search engine rankings and user experience

Enhance website performance and indexability

Increase website authority and visibility


Directly affects how search engines interpret and rank the website, as well as helps individual website pages rank in SERPs

Ensures search engine can crawl and index pages efficiently

Influences social reputation, authority, and search rankings


Search engine optimizations within the website, such as:

✔️improving content

✔️adding HTML elements

✔️improving website structure

✔️add relevant internal links

✔️keyword optimization

Optimization of website performance, including:

  • ✔️improving UX
  • ✔️increasing website’s speed
  • ✔️ensuring website is mobile friendly

Search engine optimization outside the website, for instance:

  • ✔️building backlinks
  • ✔️receiving brand mentions
  • ✔️engaging in outreach


By working on your off-page search engine optimization, you acquire: 

  1. Increased Brand Awareness. While most traffic is received from the search engine result pages, conducting off-page SEO activities brand exposure, driving more traffic, and attracting new leads.
  2. Improved Rankings. By receiving quality backlinks and community mentions, you signal to Google that a website is trustworthy and reliable, resulting in higher positions in SERPs.
  3. Higher Authority. By implementing a correct off-page SEO strategy, you're building your authority both in the user's eyes and in the search engine crawler's. 

Best 30+ Off-Page SEO Techniques & Strategies

Guest Posts easy

Guest posting refers to submitting your content to other websites to receive a backlink. Engaging with reputable and relevant websites improves your traffic, search engine rankings, and the website's authority. 

If you wish to streamline and simplify the guest posting process, consider Collaborator your trusted partner. Our websites catalog features over 32000 websites from 51 countries, and includes fully customizable filtering options as well as crucial SEO data. 

a screenshot of Collaborator's website catalog
Check potential link donors’ statistics in real time by utilizing Collaborator’s analytical tools

Directory Submissions easy

One of the best off-page SEO strategies is to list a website in niche-specific and general online directories. For instance, we've covered some of the best legal directories for lawyers in one of our articles, and there are also widely applicable directories like Yelp, Quora, Yellow Pages, and Better Business Bureau.

an example of directory submission on Yelp
An example of a directory submission in Yelp for a spa in Los Angeles

Outreach medium

Outreach involves contacting other websites, influencers, and bloggers to earn backlinks and distribute your content. It is important to personalize your outreach strategy to build strong relationships and increase your content shares.

Shareable Content hard

One of the most important strategies for organically improving your off-page SEO is to create high-quality content. This will ensure your content gets shared by other platforms naturally, helping you receive new backlinks.

Image Link Building medium

In addition to improving your copywriting, you may want to incorporate SEO-optimized images such as infographics, GIFs, comparison tables, and pie charts. By creating high-quality visuals you’re maximizing your chances of receiving backlinks organically, as other platforms will want to share your content.

Social Media Marketing hard

Active engagement on social media can help your website in multiple ways. It drives traffic, increases brand awareness, and results in more backlinks. Just having your social profiles set up already gives you a backlink profile variety, so don’t miss that chance!

an example of great social media marketing by Duolingo
A great example of social media marketing is Duolingo’s Instagram account — by utilizing a successful social media strategy they were able to gain 3M active followers 

Forum Engagement hard

Participating in industry-specific forums and online communities can establish your authority and generate backlinks. Provide valuable insights and include relevant links to your site to attract targeted traffic.

homepage of BlackHatWorld forum
A great way to share your expertise is participating in forum discussions, such as BlackHatWorld forum for SEO specialists

Press Releases medium 

Press releases can attract additional media coverage and backlinks from reputable news publications. Invest in newsworthy, well-written press releases about business news or developments. You can also outreach copywriting to the professionals, or even purchase it as an additional feature while guest posting with Collaborator ;)

a press release on a Sony Music website
An example of a press release on a Sony Music website

When advertising with Collaborator, some websites will offer the option to have your press release or article professionally written. This is a perfect choice for those who don't have a copywriter on their team, or for those who simply want to outsource this process.

have your press released professionally written when purchasing guest posts from Collaborator

Unlinked Mentions easy

Sometimes other websites will naturally mention you as their source or include in the review, but won’t directly link to your website. In this case, you can reach out to them and ask to provide a backlink. Some SEO tools, like Ahrefs, let you set up alerts for unlinked mentions.

In order to do this, go to Content Explorer, and enter your brand name. You can also exclude your own website from search results to filter out most of the mentions.

exclude your website from the search
By forming your search like this, you’re finding all brand mentions on the web excluding your own website

After this, you’ll need to scroll down and select “Highlight Unlinked Mentions” from the filters menu.
 find unlinked mentions in Ahrefs

Or, you can find your unlinked mentions in the “Opportunities” section of the menu. 

use "opportunities" to find unlinked brand mentions in Ahrefs

Broken Link Building easy

Losing backlinks will negatively affect your website’s rankings and overall performance. It's important to monitor broken links to quickly fix all existing problems. To automate this process, you can utilize some of the best SEO tools for backlink monitoring.

For instance, you can use the free Broken Links Checker by Ahrefs — it will also show you all broken inbound links.

broken links report by Ahrefs

Just enter your domain, and you will get a report with a total number of broken backlinks both on your website and to your website, as well as all referring pages.

Influencer Marketing hard

According to research by Matter Communications, 69% of consumers trust influencer recommendations over information that comes directly from a brand. Influencer marketing is also a great way to drive traffic and receive backlinks.

an example of influencer marketing on Instagram
An example of influencer marketing utilized by Electrolit — a sponsored video by a sports influencer Allie Bennett on Instagram

Local SEO easy

You can optimize your local SEO by claiming your listing on Google My Business and adding your location to Google Maps. This way, you can naturally receive social mentions and customer reviews.

Google Maps listing for a nail salon in NYAn example of a Google Maps listing for a nail salon in New York

Reviews easy

Thanks to the recent Google leak, we now know for sure that Google uses ranking signals for their algorithms. What’s even more interesting, is that the search engine has specific attributes that indicate that it assesses the quality of the review. Positive reviews—not just the ones on Google—are a great way to improve your online presence and reputation.  Create listings in online directories and industry-specific review platforms to encourage users to leave feedback.

A Google Review page of The Epicure Shop in Toronto, CanadaA Google Review page of The Epicure Shop in Toronto, Canada

Pro tip: to stay proactive, regularly monitor your listings and reply to all new reviews. 

Events hard

Hosting, sponsoring, or participating in industry-related events can increase your brand awareness and generate backlinks. This can also lead to new networking opportunities and lead generation.

List of participating companies in ASCM Connect 2024
List of participating companies in Global Supply Chain Conference

By participating in events, you can get your brand out there alongside the industry leaders, and improve both your off-page SEO and overall brand reputation.

Additional Techniques

Ask Clients

Request customers or clients to link to your website by providing a testimonial or featuring your products or services.

Create Controversy

Create content that sparks a discussion, drawing attention and potentially generating backlinks from those who engage with or react to your content.

Receive Blogger Reviews

Collaborate with bloggers to review your products or services in exchange for backlinks.

Host Competitions & Contests

Host online competitions or contests that encourage participants to share links to your site.

Create a Wikipedia Page

Write a Wikipedia page for your business, ensuring it meets the platform’s notability guidelines and citing reliable sources.

Create an Affiliate Program

Develop an affiliate program where partners promote your products and receive commissions.

Utilize the Skyscraper Technique

Identify popular content in your niche, create a superior version, and reach out to sites to suggest your improved content in return for a backlink.

Monitor Competitor Mentions

Track mentions of competitors to identify backlink opportunities for your site by offering a better or additional resource.

Invest in Reviews

Pay for reviews of your products or services on relevant blogs or websites, ensuring transparency to avoid penalties from search engines.

Use the “Twitter Upsell” Technique

Engage with potential customers on Twitter, providing value and subtly promoting your content, aiming for social shares and backlinks.

Participate in Q&As

Answer questions on Q&A sites like Quora, providing valuable insights and linking back to your website as a resource.

Utilize the “Shoulder Niche” Technique

Target related but non-competing niches to find new audiences and backlink opportunities.

Implement Beggar Technique

Politely request backlinks from relevant websites, often by pointing out broken links or offering valuable content as a replacement.

Publish videos

Create and submit videos to platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, optimizing the video description with links back to your site.

Be the First to Review Something

Publish the first review of a new product or service to attract links from others seeking information about it.

Look for Community Links

Participate in online communities and forums relevant to your industry, contributing valuable insights and including links to your website where appropriate.

Get Pingback/Trackback Links

Use pingbacks and trackbacks to get notified and linked back when someone references your blog posts in their content.

Create Memes

Generate additional backlinks by creating high-quality memes that will be relevant to your website’s niche.

Сonsider Collaborator Your Trusted Partner

By utilizing Collaborator's off-page SEO capabilities, you will improve your backlink profile and increase website's authority. Collaborator offers a streamlined link-building process with over 32000 websites to choose from. 

Catalog of websites in Collaborator

Use the fully customizable filtering options to fit your niche, demographic, and desired traffic. Navigate through the catalog by reviewing key SEO data, such as traffic volume, geolocation, DR, UR, Trust Flow, and over 40 other metrics.

Get Started


Mastering off-page SEO is essential for website owners and webmasters looking to improve their SERP rankings. Implementing off-page optimization techniques such as link building, guest posting, press releases, and more, increases your chances to rank higher in Google. 

Good luck in your future SEO endeavors, and remember: off-page SEO is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and adaptation. 

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