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Cryptocurrency SEO Guide: Top 18 Strategies for Blockchain Companies


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The importance of blockchain SEO is hard to overestimate today. The competition between platforms for selling and buying cryptocurrencies is rapidly increasing. The number of sites is growing as is the quantity of those who use open-source currency. So cryptocurrency sites need SEO to improve their positions in search results and get organic traffic.

Crypto SEO is considered one of the most effective ways to promote projects of this category. But to succeed and get your site to the TOP-10 Google search results, you need to develop an optimization strategy professionally. In this article, we will talk about what steps you should take to get more traffic. We have focused on those techniques that work best for crypto. 

Why SEO Is Important for the Crypto and Blockchain Industries

We start with how search engine optimization works. You will probably agree that there is severe competition on the Internet. It applies not only to traditional businesses but also to the blockchain. In the picture below you can see the activities of sites that work in the field of cryptography. And be sure, the number of projects is growing every day.

search engine optimization for crypto websites

Google and Facebook earlier banned crypto and ICO ads to protect inexperienced users from the risks associated with buying and selling digital coins. It has become a real problem for cryptocurrency companies. But now they have developed special requirements for those who want to promote blockchain projects.

Learn more about Google and Facebook requirements on Cryptocurrency Products and Services.

Crypto SEO advertisement rules

Consequently, SEO remains the most effective way to promote crypto projects. So, what results you can achieve using search engine optimization for cryptocurrency website:

  1. Get organic traffic for relevant search queries.
  2. Attract the target audience.
  3. Increase conversion.
  4. Build authority in the network and improve the reputation of your project.
  5. Develop a gradual growth system for the crypto business.
  6. Get to the TOP results of search engines.

Now you understand why SEO for crypto websites is important. The mission of blockchain SEO is to attract quality traffic. What does it mean? It means more leads, more clients, and increased profitability for the crypto business.

Core SEO Elements for Crypto Websites

Search robots are constantly improving their algorithms increasing site requirements. However, the basic principles of SEO remain unchanged. Let's talk about the basic elements of search engine optimization which you should pay attention to when building a marketing strategy for your crypto project.

Cryptocurrency SEO


Technical SEO

Technical SEO for crypto is a highly valued promotion component. What does it mean? The robots responsible for ranking in the SERPs must crawl and index your site correctly. .

Technical SEO involves working on the following parameters:

  • page loading speed;
  • presence of organic traffic;
  • lack of broken links;
  • mobile version convenience;
  • caching plugins;
  • third-party scripts;
  • XML sitemap;
  • site architecture, etc.

You should regularly conduct a technical audit of the site and correct errors if necessary. Use special programs like Google Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights for this purpose.

Technical SEO for Crypto

On-page SEO

When working on the cryptocurrency site promotion, it is necessary to improve the content, write tags, and add links for internal linking. On page SEO for blockchain includes improving the user interface, adding titles and descriptions, and creating SEO-friendly URLs.

On page SEO for Blockchain

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO involves the use of strategies aimed at increasing the importance of a site in search engines. You have to work on the reputation of your project using all available ways.

We can classify guest posting as one of the most popular and effective crypto SEO tactics. But be careful. Getting traffic from low-quality sites can lead to sanctions against your site. Use only quality guest posting platforms like Collaborator.

18 Best SEO Strategies for Blockchain Websites

Search engine optimization for the cryptocurrency websites is implemented through specific strategies. All of them are aimed at improving the various characteristics of a site. After completing the whole complex of assignments, you will get a high-quality resource with a good reputation which is ranked as one of the TOP-10 search engine results. 

We have collected the most popular SEO strategies for crypto projects in the table below. 

Working with the Content

Working with Outside Resources

Technical Specifications

Keyword Research

Guest Posting

Snippets Optimization

Content Optimization

Link Building and Outreach 

Crypto Site Structure

Create Dedicated Landing Pages

Social Networks Performance

Page Speed Optimization

Metadata Optimization (Including Relevant Keywords in it)

Email Marketing

Monitor Your Position in SERPs Regularly


Cryptocurrency Business Trends

Caption Your Pictures

Localization for International Audience

Participating in Profile Events and Media Presence

Mobile Friendly

Let's talk about what SEO strategies can be the most effective for the blockchain niche. We have described 11 of them that will help you develop your crypto brand effectively.

Research Keywords

A qualified specialist starts work on crypto SEO by analyzing competitors and conducting keyword research . When choosing keywords, you must understand your potential client. 

The most high-frequency keys will be crypto, cryptocurrency, blockchain, buy cryptocurrency, etc. Other phrases also exist. Do not hesitate to use highly specialized keywords. The improvement can be very effective.

Search engine optimization for the Cryptocurrency

It is unnecessary to spend a lot of time on Google to understand what queries users enter most often. SEO specialists use convenient tools for this purpose:

Wallet, exchange, crypto exchange, and token are the keywords that cryptocurrency websites are ranked very well for. Use keys with short and long tails. Let's see the difference.

  • The short tail key is used as the basis for content. Example: cryptocurrency investment.
  • A keyword with a long tail is appropriate if you want to convey specific information to the user. Example: best methods for investing in cryptocurrencies.

SEO for Cryptocurrency Website


The target audience of different cryptocurrency sites also varies. Draw up a portrait of your potential client. Who are you targeting? The target audience core can include 

  • novices;
  • investors who are just learning what blockchain is;
  • experienced traders;
  • those who are ready to spend their entire salary on investing in blockchain. 

Be sure to take this factor into account when developing a marketing strategy at the stage of conducting keyword research.

Guest Posting

Prepare interesting content for guest posting and post it on high-authority, relevant sites. It can be an article, a manual, a review, or an instruction. Guest posting helps to improve SEO indicators (get organic traffic, backlinks) and demonstrate the authority of the site.

Topics should be relevant to your business. In this case, you can write anything related to cryptocurrency. It is important that the content is unique and has not been previously posted on other resources. Don't forget to add keys and insert links. You can write content yourself or order from an agency.

Now let's move on to considering where to place a guest post. You need a popular, authoritative platform with a large audience. 

Ultimate Cryptocurrency SEO guide

Collaborator is one of the best online places for posting and distributing content. Registration takes just a few minutes. The layout of a publication is straightforward. By using Collaborator, you will receive quality traffic and interested users and improve your site's SEO performance.

Link Building and Outreach

Search engines consider sites that are linked to by other resources as authoritative. And the more links, the better. To achieve successful SEO link building for cryptocurrency, it is important to keep in mind that not all links are equally effective. On the screenshot, you can see the statistics on backlinks which is displayed in the Google Search Console.

SEO for cryptocurrency website

So creating and using the best SEO link building strategy is a must. There are several ways to build links:

  • adding manually to business directories, publications, comments on forums, etc.;
  • soliciting links through guest blogging, outreach, reviews;
  • buying links (we do not recommend this method).

Read more about the link building strategy here

We propose to dwell in more detail on what outreach is. This is a way to get backlinks through mutually beneficial cooperation with bloggers, influencers, administrators of reputable platforms.

Link Building & Digital PR Agency Owner The Links Guy
You may have to rely on a lot of paid strategies when it comes to crypto - but I'd recommend seeing if you can come up with an interesting data-driven story and sending it to relevant journalists. Crypto-relevant stories may not come all the time, but you may have to Niche up to something like finance topics or trading.

You need to understand that link building is essential for your crypto project. This strategy also works well for the NFT. Of course, it is difficult to understand all the principles and nuances on your own, but you can always use the services of professional link builders.

Content Optimization

SEO for cryptocurrency websites includes optimizing the content of the site for user interests and search engine requirements. Site visitors should receive comprehensive information on a specific request. Engage them with a headline and formatting. Add visual elements (tables, photos, videos, graphs).

SEO for cryptocurrency: why blog is imprortant

Write texts for people, but do not forget about search robots: 

  • use key phrases and words, 
  • prepare the text for the main page of the site and category pages, 
  • write articles for the blog
  • add the news section.

Snippet Optimization

The snippet is the first thing the user sees in the search results. This element should be as informative and attractive as possible. It affects CTR. Snippet structure:

  • title;
  • description;
  • URL;
  • additional information.

The optimal title size is 80 letters. The description size is approximately 270 letters. You can describe the advantages of the company and add contact details. A high-quality snippet attracts the user's attention, announces the site's content, and encourages visitors to go to the page.

Blockchain SEO: how to make a snippet

Why is this a good snippet? Here you see the a link and a brief description of the site , and its sections. This information will help you determine if you want to visit the site or look for another one. 

Use the Google Snippet Generator tool from Collaborator to create attractive and effective snippets.

Crypto Site Structure

Your goal is to attract an interested target audience to the site. You can do this already with the help of its structure. SEO for blockchain technology provides a deep study of the site structure. Post technical information about cryptocurrency. Add sections for users with different interests (for example, for businesses, for individuals, for developers).

SEO for crypto: make clear structure

Pay attention to the “beauty” of the site structure. Blocks are located in the top menu. Each block has minor sections. Visually it looks great because the design of each section is complemented by thematic icons.

Page Speed

Page load speed optimization is one of the main SEO crypto strategies. Does the user want to stay on the site if the pages are loaded slowly? It’s unlikely. So, use these tips to improve page loading speed.

  • Compress images.
  • Use JavaScript and CSS files.
  • Activate the cache.
  • Implement a CDN.

Analyze this parameter using programs such as Google PageSpeed Insights,, and Pingdom Tools.

why is seo for crypto important

FAQ Pages 

Users want to get comprehensive information before investing in cryptocurrency. Create a page for them with questions and answers. When developing a FAQ page, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • implement keywords (search with Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, etc.);
  • collect the most relevant questions from forums and thematic platforms (Bitcoin Forum, Master The Crypto, CryptoInTalk);
  • provide a detailed explanation for each question;
  • explain complex terms in simple terms;
  • choose the style of presentation for your target audience.

What benefits will you get from using this cryptocurrency SEO strategy? First, it is the loyalty of potential customers. They'll trust you. Second, you’ll get more website traffic and an increase in the conversion rate. And one more, you’ll improve the reputation of your crypto project. 

SEO for blockchain technology

Take a look at the screenshot. CoinMarketCap has a FAQ section on its website, linking to it in the footer. If you go to the page, you will notice that the most popular questions of potential investors are collected here. The specialists provide concise and understandable answers and use internal linking to redirect to sections with detailed information and keywords.

SEO crypto strategies

Position in SERPs

The main goal of search engine optimization for crypto website is the first place in search results for key queries for which the project is being promoted. You must constantly monitor the position of your site to respond to changes in time. That way, you'll know which tricks work effectively and which ones you should avoid.

SEO for blockchain: good position in SERPs

Use tools like SpySERP or Ahrefs to track the position of SERPs. Above, you can see a screenshot from Ahrefs. The tool analyzed the site according to various parameters, including determining the traffic to the site, the current position, and the change in the position in the paging since the previous calculation. Using Ahrefs results, you can constantly work to improve the performance of your site. 

Mobile Friendly

Your site should be mobile-friendly. The percentage of users who prefer to search for information on smartphones and tablets is increasing rapidly. Responsive design should be carefully thought out for mobile devices.

SEO and blockchain: mobile friendly


Users don't like to wait long for a page to load. They want to find the information they need quickly. This is ideal if all elements (images, texts, buttons) are displayed properly. Think about your clients. Make sure they enjoy interacting with your site on their mobile devices.

Caption your Pictures

Visualization always gives positive results. Use photos, Process Flow Diagrams, tables, and infographics to make your material more accessible, understandable, and interesting for the target audience. But there is a question. How can you show visual elements to search engines? It's not rocket science. Describe pictures using keywords.

Cryptocurrency SEO: caption your pictures

Search robots index the Alt attribute as text, so it's a good idea to add keywords. This also works for the Title attribute. Both provide the user with additional information about what is displayed in the picture.

Key Metrics to Measure SEO for Crypto Performance

Monitoring the metrics allows you to track the performance of the SEO company in promoting your crypto project. You will have all the information you need to improve your strategy and make adjustments and corrections.

Keyword Ranking

Relevant high-frequency keywords matter. Use the SpySERP or Ahrefs services we mentioned earlier to determine the ranking.

Key Metrics to Measure SEO for Crypto Performance

Another way is to enter the key by which your crypto project is being promoted into the search engine and see where your site is in the search results. There are sites that rank top in Google search results for the keyword “what is blockchain technology”.

SEO for Crypto: Key Metrics

Organic Traffic

A very important metric that determines clicks to your website that you don't pay for. Visitors come to the site themselves from search engines without additional advertising. The more effective SEO, the more organic traffic. Use tools like Google Search Console or Ahrefs Webmaster Tools (AWT) to measure and track this metric.

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain SEO


Click-Through Rate (CTR)

This parameter is measured as a percentage and determines the number of users who came to your site from search results. The higher the CTR, the more organic traffic and, accordingly, the conversions you get. To increase Click-Through Rate you should optimize:

  • description;
  • title;
  • favicon;
  • contacts;
  • address;
  • sections of the site;
  • URL.

It means you have to work on the snippet attractiveness. Add the necessary data to make it more informative and bright. Crypto projects with featured snippets get the highest CTR.

Bounce Rate

What percentage of users come to your site but leave without interacting? The bounce rate shows this. But don't confuse it with the exit rate. You can see the difference in the picture.

Bounce Rate in SEO for cryptocurrency


Why does the user leave immediately? Perhaps he doesn’t like the design, the content is not interesting enough, and the pages take a long time to load. A high bounce rate indicates that you need to work on the site's usability, functionality, and appearance.

More Metrics

A lot of other parameters are used to measure the effectiveness of SEO strategies. Although the analysis of indicators takes a lot of time and effort, do not ignore this stage. So, here are a few more criteria that you should pay attention to:

  • organic traffic;
  • domain authority, the credibility of your crypto site;
  • backlinks;
  • scroll depth and user engagement;
  • time spent on the page
  • conversion rate.

On the image, you will see a screen of the average time on the page. The more time the user spends on the page, the better for your crypto project. Use tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other services to analyze metrics.

SEO for blockchain technology

Key SEO Mistakes Crypto and Blockchain Businesses Make

why is seo for crypto important

Even if you use the ultimate cryptocurrency SEO guide, you are not immune to common mistakes when developing and implementing a strategy. 

The most popular SEO Mistakes in Crypto and Blockchain are:

  1. keyword spamming, 
  2. poor structure, 
  3. a one-page site, 
  4. broken links, 
  5. duplicate content, 
  6. no blog, etc. 

To do Crypto SEO right, you must have knowledge and experience and know perfectly how analytical programs, SEO tools, etc. work. Let's talk about the most common mistakes that optimizers make when implementing an SEO strategy on their own.

Keyword Stuffing

The lack of keywords is amiss, but the excess also affects the rankings in a bad way. Use only relevant words and phrases that accurately and clearly reflect the page topic. 

The optimal keyword density is in the range of 10-20%.

Single Page Websites

SEO and blockchain is a long and highly promising story. One-page sites for cryptocurrencies are not suitable. You just cannot fit all the information that may be interesting and useful for your audience on one page. You will certainly be better off with a multipage site with an optimized home page, pages of services, blogs, etc.

Content Duplication

This error is presented in two versions. Users copy content from other sites and place it on their own. That's unacceptable. Search engines consider such actions as plagiarism.

The second option is copying content from your own site. Duplicate pages also rank poorly. Remember, all content on your crypto site must be unique. Use uniqueness checking services like Copywritely.

search engine optimization for crypto website

You can see on the screenshot that the text is checked for uniqueness. This text is not unique, it has already been published on some resources. Its uniqueness is 0%. A good percentage of uniqueness is 90%.

Avoiding Blogs

What can a blog do for your site? Blogging provides several benefits. Here you can publish interesting articles for users and collect organic traffic. You can also use keywords to promote your crypto resource. 

Take a look at this informative and colorful blog on the Coinbase website.

search engine optimization for the cryptocurrency

Broken Links

You can use many links for internal and external linking. It's good. But keep in mind that sometimes links break. Regularly check the site for broken links and if you find them, solve the problem promptly. 

Lack of Website Structure

You must think about user experience. It is not very good if the user has to search for the necessary information on the site for a long time. The lack of structure is bad for both visitors and search robots.

Try Collaborator as Your Partner in Crypto SEO

Now you know why SEO for crypto is important. You have to use a lot of tools and understand their functionality to promote your crypto project in social systems. 

If you want to save time and get better results for SEO promotion, contact This is a platform for guest posting and content distribution that will help crypto project owners attract more traffic to their sites and improve SEO metrics (DA, number of backlinks, etc.). The Collaborator catalog contains the best guest blogging sites on crypto topics. 

Collaborator for crypto seo

After free online registration, you will get access to quality sites with verified and up-to-date data that can become donors for your links.

With convenient and detailed filters, integrations with well-known SEO services, and internal ranking, choose the best platform for publishing your guest post.

6 reasons to use Collaborator to promote your crypto project:

  • communication with the owner of the donor site directly in the interface;
  • publication takes place within 48 hours on average;
  • fast and professional support service;
  • convenience and security of financial transactions;
  • reporting and notification system which helps you to control the process in real time,
  • special offers for SEO agencies and teams.

With Collaborator, you can publish guest posts and press releases quickly, conveniently, and safely because the platform acts as a guarantor of transactions. If you are an owner of a site, with Collaborator, you can monetize your website traffic.

Sign up in Collaborator Now👈

FAQ: Questions and Answers about Сrypto SEO

Question 1. Why is SEO for crypto important?

Crypto SEO can solve several problems at once: improve the project's reputation, attract potential customers, and build credibility.

Question 2. How to start SEO for cryptocurrency company?

We recommend starting with an analysis and strategy development. Use the services of an experienced specialist or agency such as to start successfully.

Question 3. How long does it take to see the results of SEO for crypto businesses?

SEO for a crypto business involves working on different site parameters. You must constantly improve the criteria. This is an ongoing process. If everything is done correctly, you will see results in 4-6 months after the start.

Question 4. Do crypto and blockchain even need SEO to succeed? 

Will a non-optimized site succeed? Hardly. Google shows websites to users based on their requests and intent. And the task of SEO is to bring the site in line with these requests. Low-quality, unoptimized content will be tiresome to the user. Due to an improperly configured technical side, search engines will not understand what your site is about. And the lack of external links will decrease the authority of your site compared to that of its competitors. .

Question 5. Is it possible to promote the site on my own?

Yes, you can promote your crypto project on your own. But be ready to study a lot of material and allocate time and effort to constantly work on the project. And it does not guarantee efficiency.

Final Thoughts

Implementing SEO strategies is of the utmost importance for your crypto website. With the right approach, you can increase the credibility of the crypto business, get your site to the top of search engines and attract the target audience.

SEO website promotion for cryptocurrencies and blockchain is a difficult task. It is necessary to study the field, select keywords, prepare content, build links, etc. Start today with so that you can confidently compete in this niche later. A reliable partner will help you achieve your goals for promoting a crypto project.

Use Collaborator for your crypto website👈


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