Mass indexation of the price for placement in Collaborator: instructions

From November 1, 2022 the commission for withdrawing funds from the Collaborator system will be raised.
For 5 years, it remained unchanged at 10% of the amount. From now on the commission will be 15%. But even after that, it will remain one of the lowest in the market.
We are actively developing the platform, attracting customers, including from international markets. Advertisers from different fields and with different budgets switch to Collaborator, an article and press release distribution platform, from other similar services, their niches and geography expand. Taking into account the pace and vectors of the development of the marketplace, in the future you will receive even more orders.
In order to keep the income of the site owners after raising the commission, we have developed a special mechanism of automatic mass raising of prices for posting guest posts by 5-10%.
We offer price indexation on sites where the cost of placement is no higher than that of competitors.
The automatic price increase tool is limited in time. It will be available to site owners from October 18 to November 7.
How to use the mass price increase functionality: instructions
Go to your account on the «My sites» tab. Click the «We recommend raising the price (XX sites)» button on the top right.
In the dialog box that opens, view the offers for which sites and by what percentage you are recommended to raise the price.
This is the cost of placing the Article, for the Press Release (if there is one) the increase will be by a similar percentage. Prices for writing and other services remain the same.
Auto-increase the placement price is a recommendation to save your time and save income after changing the withdrawal fee. To use it or not is only your choice.
If you choose Raise — new prices will be automatically set on all sites from the list. You will see a notification about the successful operation.
If you choose Close — the cost of publishing remains unchanged. At the same time, there is a possibility of a point increase of the price individually for each site.
Why should you use recommendations for mass price increases
- No need to change the price of placement separately on each site. It takes a long time to do it manually.
- No need to wait for moderation. After all, we coordinate each price change request in order to offer advertisers better conditions, and you to have a stable amount of orders.
- No need to monitor prices. We analyzed the cost of placement on your sites, the prices of competitors and the prices of placement of materials with similar characteristics. The system itself suggests how much it is permissible to raise the price in order to continue to remain an attractive advertising platform.
If you have any questions, please, contact the support chat.
The Collaborator team does everything to justify trust and remain a reliable partner for earning.