New Posting Formats in Telegram: 1/24, 2/48, 3/72, and Without Removal

We are happy to announce the latest update to Collaborator’s Telegram catalog. Now, new posting formats in Telegram: 1/24, 2/48, 3/72, and Without removal, are available.
If you own a Telegram channel, please go to your Personal Account, choose posting formats, and set prices to receive even more orders.
What Posting Formats Are Available?
- 1/24 — This format entails placing an advertisement post as the last one in the feed for 1 hour. Important! The post shouldn’t be removed for the next 24 hours.
- 2/48 and 3/72 posting formats work similarly to the 1/24 format.
- The “Without removal” posting format means that your advertising post will be the last in the feed for 3 hours and shouldn’t be removed.
You can see hints for each format that will help you understand how it works.
The Guide for Publishers: How to Specify Posting Formats and Set Prices for Ad Posts publications
To do that:
- go to your Personal Account
- set prices for post publications in available posting formats on the My Сhannels page (all existing channels are assigned to the 3/72 format with the initial price per post by default)
After saving, the information is displayed in the catalog, where Advertisers can choose their best option.
Receive even more orders from advertisers and earn with Collaborator.
The Guide for Advertisers
- Go to the Telegram channel catalog
- Choose channels with the posting formats you need
- Order advertising on favorable terms
Posting formats are displayed on the catalog page, on the platform’s card, and in the cart with the corresponding prices. You can check the posting format in the Task tab on the My Projects page.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our support team.
Wishing you successful deals✌️