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Updates 2023: Notes About Sites, Filtering by Lists, and Other Interface Modifications


Choose from 37751 high-quality websites and 3219 Telegram channels

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We keep upgrading the system to help the users of Collaborator (both advertisers and publishers) work even more conveniently and quickly.

With the arrival of spring, we want to share the major updates that have taken place since the beginning of the year. 

Notes about sites are available in the catalog

You asked and we’ve done it.

The functionality “Notes” is essential for everyone using Collaborator’s catalog. We constantly add new platforms, so it’s obviously hard to remember all the details of each and every platform. 

We have already added the tag “Collaborated” and the ability to group websites into lists. 

Every user can now leave notes about any platform. It will help you quickly recall all the information about the site without having to analyze it again. What’s more, if you delegate ordering guest posts to your colleagues, it will make communication within the team much easier.

You can leave your comments and suggested plans for work with the site:

  • straight from the catalog page;

Notes about sites in the catalog

  • directly in the card of a platform;

Leave notes about the site in its card

  • in the Cart when ordering. In this way you will be able to consider all the essential points in the final stage of ordering;

Notes about the site in the Cart

  • besides, the tag remains after the deal. For instance, you can leave comments on how fast your article has been indexed or the quality of content prepared by a webmaster. 

Make the process of choosing the right platforms and analyzing them much easier and more convenient.

Start today as the number of Telegram channels is increasing rapidly📈

Filtering by lists

In the summer of 2022, we introduced the upgraded functionality for work with lists in catalog filters: now it is possible to exclude not just individual platforms but the lists of platforms from the search results.  

Today, we’d like to tell you about one more improvement: filtering by lists is now more effective. Aside from the exclusion of a formed list from the search results, you can also:

  • add sites from the list to the general list after filtering;
  • set filters only by platforms from the particular list(s).

Filter platforms by a list

Tag “Collaborated” for publishers

One more little improvement is now available for publishers: advertisers you’ve previously made a deal with will be marked with a special tag. 

Tag Collaborated is available

Advertisers already use a similar feature, and that makes platform sorting much easier. 

Thanks to this functionality, the owners of sites will benefit from a quicker decision-making process when receiving an application for publication as they can see the details of previous deals after clicking the button.

All details about previous deals

Tag “Sponsored” is now in the Cart

Will your article or press release be labeled “Sponsored”? You will find this information on the card of a platform. Besides, you can filter sites by this parameter. 

Tag Sponsored in the catalog

Now, the “Sponsored” link attribute can be seen in the Cart when ordering. 

Tag Sponsored in the Cart

So you definitely will not miss this detail and will consciously choose websites to cooperate with. 

We hope that our updates will help you use the system more conveniently, find relevant platforms and new customers, and get higher positions in search engines. 


Choose from 37751 high-quality websites and 3219 Telegram channels

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