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Bulk Domain Names Availability Checker

Check several domains at the same time with our domain checker tool.
Insert your list of domains and check their status
For Collaborator users are available 50 checks, up to 5000 URLs
Domain List:
Found 0 domains
Found 0 domains

Bulk domains search to solve your tasks

With our Bulk domain checker, you can check whether the domain you like is free so that you may get it.
The tool will help you quickly analyze the online space and find an accessible name for your site.
The main advantage of bulk domains search from Collaborator: you can check up to 500 domains at once.
And if you have an account in our system - up to 5 000!
Check bulk domain availability using our service and quickly list available names that meet your criteria and keywords.


Why bulk domain busy check is the best solution

Quickly check domain availability

Check accessibility of up to 5 000 domains at the same time. In total, 50 inspections are available.

Extended information about domains

In addition to information about accessibility, find out the age, and validity of the domain.

Convenient work with the results of the check

Find and sort sites by specified parameters and export the data to a CSV file.

Using the tool is easy

Make a list of domain names you want to check
Add domains (each name from a new line), and click "Check"
Get detailed information on domains
Sort the results by the desired criterion
Export to a file

Frequently Asked Questions

What is bulk domains search?

Bulk domain search analyzes several domain names for availability and by registration, age, and period.
Our service makes the procedure fast and easy since up to 5 000 domains at once can be analyzed.

Why bulk domain checker is useful for every online business?

Quick verification of free domains is required when creating a site (or a network of sites), launching a new language version, finding drops, analyzing competitors, and in linkbuilding activity. Domain choice is vital for anyone who creates Internet representation of their companies or plans to spread an online business. А bulk domain name checker from Collaborator helps:

  • To analyze online space before launching a new site, choosing a company name, when you switching to another domain or launching a new language version. and It allows to evaluate several options for the name of the site (write all possible site names by keywords and domain zones and check accessibility),
  • To find prospective free sites with a history for buying and further monetization or forming a PBN network (see the age of the domain and its validity).
Is bulk domain checking in Collaborator free for everyone?

Yes, our mass domain checker is free for all users. The check limits depend only on whether you have a Collaborator account. For users, the number of domains for simultaneous verification is much higher.

What are bulk check domains limits in Collaborator?

Check limits differ for registered and unregistered users. 50 inspections by 500 domains at a time are available for third-party users. Creating an account in a Collaborator automatically increases the number of domains to check up to 5 000 simultaneously.

What information is available with bulk search domain names?

In the results of the domain verification, you will find the following data: created date, expires, domain age, and status (busy or free). Each specified parameter can sort the results of the table.

How to save the results from bulk domain availability checker for further analysis?

To save the results of mass domain check, click the "Download in SGV" button above the study table. The file will be saved to your device.

What to do after check bulk domain availability?

After you check bulk domain availability and find the domain you are interested in is free, you can choose a registrar and get the accessible name for your site or company. If the names you are interested in are already taken, revise your promotion strategy and select alternative names for your resources.

Get more access to the service Free
For Collaborator users are available 50 checks, up to 5000 URLs